private Sessions For healing & tantric practices

1:1 Sessions for Tantric Practices · 1:1 Sessions Tantric Bodywork

Do you want to explore your life force energy in a safe space?
are you ready to treat yourself with a session that is just for you, your body and your questions about tantra?

1:1 Sessions

  • 1:1 Tantric Practices

    Get 1:1 support & guidance in tantric embodiment practices for your evolution in consciousness and energy

    PLEASURE + grow capacitiy to feel pleasure, energy & (emotional) pain in your body
    INTENSITY + sensitize your body and form new neurological pathways
    HAPPINESS + learning how to boost your own happiness hormones
    RESILIENCE + grow capacity to stay calm and centred while feeling strong emotions
    SELF-LOVE + investing in your relationship to yourself with loving self-touch
    HARMONY + deepening body & mind connection

  • 1:1 Tantric Bodywork

    Imagine you are held and supported while releasing physical, emotional and energetic blocks - afterwards feeling alive and energised

    HEALING + we open & heal when we feel safe - I offer a safe space for your healing
    SUPPORT + be personally guided and held while experiencing your energy - all of you is welcome
    TRANSFORMATION + feel your energy shifting by bringing awareness to it
    RECEIVING + fully surrender into touch without having the need to ''give back''
    EXPERIENCE + feel alive and touched by life and energy moving through

    My sessions focus on embodiment and healing.

p[easure is a great healer

apply for Your free consultation

I’m so excited you’re making this step towards your own happiness and aliveness.